Beard Family Trips & Vacations

Tokyo from March 15 - 24, 2008

Tokyo - March 23: 


Address of the location (from the website):   1-4-1 Yokoami, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0015



Unlike Wednesday, it was open and we had plenty of time to go through it.  Tickets can be bought on the first floor main ticket window or here at the open third floor.



It does have a covered walkway and escalator to take up to the sixth floor to start the self-guided tour.  The ticket is used at a manned gate at the bottom of the escalator.



Looking down from the sixth floor at a full-scale bank facade on the fifth floor.



Looking down at a stage area where plays are performed.



Large kite.



Maps of the sixth floor.



Statue, models, and other items concerning the Edo period in Tokyo.









This is a display of the different types of lanterns used.



More displays.















Pleasure quarters of Yoshiwara>




Stage area seen from the fifth floor.



Floats for a parade and pottery examples.



The bank facade from the fifth floor along with a bicycle.



Bridge on the sixth floor looking up from the fifth.



An example of a house of that time period.




Modes of transportation.





Household items.



More displays.






Leaving the exhibition area of the museum.  The escalator that we came up on is the one taken down also.  This elevator is designed with a 45 degree slope, a horizontal section, and another 45 degree slope.  This was done all in one piece with no break in the excalator.



Museum mascot bought by Wanda, but wanted by Conner.



Contact Information

Matthew Beard

10318 Sagegate Dr., Houston, TX 77089

Email addresses (select one):

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This site was last updated 04/02/08