Beard Family Trips & Vacations

Tokyo from March 15 - 24, 2008

Tokyo - March 19:   Meiji Jingu Shrine

website: or

Address of the location (from the website):   1-1 Kamizono-chō, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0053


Entrance gate coming from the subway station:




Matt, Courtney, and Conner standing at the gate.




Walking down the long path to the shrine:



About half way there, we find the visitor center with a line of tourist buses parked at it.  We didn't stop there, though it may have been interesting to see what their gift ship sold.



There was also a display of saki and wine that had been contributed to the shrine to be consecrated.  Many European wine seem to take stock in this consecration.




Still more of the long walk toward the shrine:



We finally see the final gate to the shrine:



This is a hand and mouth washing station to cleanse yourself before praying at the temple:


They tend to do a lot of the grounds work with simple tools still.  This is a broom made of a long stick with grass tied to the end of it.


The temple grounds themselves:







There was a location where you could write a prayer on a piece of paper and have it tied to a tree for free.  This is where you can take your prayer, for 500 Yen, write it on a placard board and the priests will present it in the next morning's ceremony.




Contact Information

Matthew Beard

10318 Sagegate Dr., Houston, TX 77089

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This site was last updated 03/30/08