Beard Family Trips & Vacations

Colborne, ON

October 11, 2011 - The Big Apple


Pictures from The Big Apple:

The current Big Apple store and restaurant.



Saw an interesting sign from where we parked the car.



Tried to get a clear picture of all four sides.  Let see, we left Toronto behind us 148 kilometers and we still have 248 kilometers to go to get to Ottawa.



They have a train (left) and a put-put golf course (right).


Also have a small zoo area.


Hallway leading from the entrance, past the windowed baking area, to the restaurant and the sitting area beyond.



What should we get today?



Baking some of the products.


Counter and shelf area of the restaurant / bakery.




Double hamburger patties in three slice of sourdough bread and gravy.



Apple pie and apple turnover.


Original road-side stand.


Wild rabbit terrorizing the tourists.  We did see the rabbit running around and I guess they didn't want the children running after it.


Contact Information

Matthew Beard

10318 Sagegate Dr., Houston, TX 77089

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This site was last updated 11/27/11